
Paddlers Webiste on Apple devices

Paddlers Website

The latest version of the Paddlers Swim School website has a focus on an updated, modern design, improved performance and search engine optimisation.

The Paddlers Swim School website was previously built in discontinued website building software that allowed for a custom layout but included a large number of files to support this that reduced site speed performance and search engine performance. Since the majority of the site’s viewers look at the website on thier phone while on the go there was a focus on reducing an overall smaller site size, reduced javascript files and modern loading techniques.

The website has also changed from a traditional website distribution method, to use a globally distributed network to move the site physically closer to the viewers for reduced latency. All content is now securely delivered over HTTPS and downloading content in a compressed state.
All of these improvements have reduced the site first paint time of 1.6 seconds*

The new site includes large interactive maps, larger contact buttons with inviting and informative icons to encourage the viewer to press on them.

It has been custom written in modern web languages and has been built with search engine optimisation in mind from the very start. Paddlers Swim School have already seen an increase in calls and emails requesting bookings from the very first day that the new site went live.

*first contentful paint and first meaningful paint as reported by Google Lighthouse on 24th May 2019.


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